Saturday, October 24, 2009

Three books and twelve hours gone

I just finished reading Tempt Me at Twilight. I have to say it was a book I thoroughly enjoyed. While I'm not expert, I thought the pacing was good. I didn't get irritated like I usually do that the main characters are dancing around each other and getting ticked off. I have to say though, that if there was any flaw with this book, it was the first love scene. It was comprised of staccato-like sentences. One of the things I have issues with is staccato sentences. Short, choppy sentences. One or two in a paragraph isn't so bad, but when two or three short paragraphs are like that, it disrupts my reading.

Going back to the plot, it was something I hung on. Naturally it followed a formula I've seen used in the past. With characters that hold emotions or secrets back from each other, there's always a period in the middle or near the end of the book where things are calm. The author lulls you into a false sense of security, then yanks the rug out from under you. That was the way this book was for me. Granted, the rug being yanked was tamer than other romances I've read, but what can I say? I like tame. Anything more is bad for my heart!

I'm now going to look for something else to read. I'm not sure what I'm going to choose next. The way I've been doing things is running through the books I've got on my BookCourier and then picking one without giving myself time to think about it. So far I've done a historical, a contemporary and another historical. I think I'll go back to contemporary, just so I don't get stuck in a historical novel rut.