Saturday, October 24, 2009

The next book

So I said I wanted to go contemporary and I did. The next book I chose is called Dream Guy by Candy Halliday. I've never read this author before, but I thought I would give her a try. You can't find new authors to sample unless you...well, sample their work. The synopsis seemed interesting enough. Our heroine gets dumped by her boyfriend and comes up with an idea to make the perfect boyfriend in video game format. She does have a history with her boss though, which adds a little something to the story.

However—there usually is a however with me—I'm not sure if the book is to my taste. It seems very contemporary. By that I mean it seems the twenty-first century lifestyles are cropping up, and while it makes for a more realistic and engaging story... I'm just not enjoying it as much. This book fits in stuff like going to bars and getting trashed and meeting strange people in bars, etc. Personally, that's a little too out there for me. A personal preference for sure. So I'm just not into this kind of thing and I read books that reflect that. Or downplay certain things. It's probably why I shy away from Harlequi's "Blaze" series these days. Way too much bed-hopping and alcohol consumption for my taste.

But, as I say, this is a personal preference. I can't deny the book is engaging me, but the hero is making me want to smack him. He's acting like a complete ass and I'm sure hoping something comes in the end where he redeems himself.

Right now I'm about 30% of the way through the book, according to BookCourier. I may or may not stick with this book. If anything I'll stop and pick up something else and maybe come back to it. I've still got a lot of hours to go.


Care said...

CHEERS! good for you for doing a review in the middle of the RaT! wow. Keep on Reading!

Nise' said...

You are making excellent progress, keep up the reading.

Kailana said...

If the book isn't working, I would try something else... It gets discouraging otherwise!