Friday, July 25, 2008


I wanted to make a blog entry since it's been a few days, but I had no idea what to blog about. So, I decided to write about Sryth.

Sryth is a very cool RPG game that is compltely web-based. I happened to stumble across it one day and was hooked. The best part about it? It's free--for the most part anyway! People can create free accounts and play certain aspects of the game...however, if you decide to buy a membership, you get access to all parts of the game. And I have to say, at only $20 a year, I think it's worth it.

New features are being added to the game all the time. I wasn't playing for a few weeks and finally got back on the other day. It's exciting again. I have to admit, while I was waiting for new quests and adventures to be put up, it was kind of dull. Just doing re-doable scenarios to get experience points.

Now apparently, they've got a multi-player scenario. Kill some dude before he arises again. Coolies. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm hoping to do so soon.

Although I doubt anyone is reading my blog, but in case they are and are interested in Sryth, the link is:

And for the referral, please use my user name: narion

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! Randomly found your blog while googling for Sryth. Just started playing it today. It's great fun. :)