Saturday, October 24, 2009

Seven and a half hour Mark

I've just hit my seven and a half hour mark. Joan Johnston's book, Sisters Found is completed. I enjoyed it very much. However, I was getting dizzy with all the characters. The go-between eight characters might have been a bit much. I don't think I'd have the author change anything, but a book with multiple characters always makes me wish authors would write stand-alone books for them. Although I must say that in this case, the book wouldn't have gone well by itself. It's difficult to explain without going deep into the plot. Which I don't really want to do. I like writing reviews, but I always worry about giving too much of the book away. I've had it happen to me and would hate to do it to someone else.

Anyway, I'm not sure what book I'm going to start next. Will pick something in the next minute though. Plenty of choices left on my BookCourier. Will check in later.


Louise said...

Hope all is going well now that we are into the 9th hour of the Read-a-Thon :) This is Louise cheering from Copenhagen, Denmark...

Anonymous said...

Readers rule
Readers rock
But don’t forget
To go for a walk