Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dewey's Read-A-Thon

Right now I'm gearing up for Dewey's Read-Athon.

To read for 24 hours normally isn't that big of a deal, but unfortunately, I woke up a little while ago feeling absolutely horrible. I was experiencing chills and a terrible pain in my head. I'm hoping I can make it through the read-athon. Some over-the-counter meds is helping for the moment, so we'll see how it goes. I'm been looking forward to the read-athon for the past two weeks, and I'd hate to bow out before it even starts.

Anyway, I've got a bunch of books on my BookCourier.

and I got some books from my favorite site:

Some of my books include a few texts that I'm supposed to be reading for my English classes, so I'll probably get to those. Might as well kill two birds with one stone! And if that gets a little much, I've got several romances to sort through. Not sure what I have, as the books I put on were obtained weeks ago in preparation.

I'm going to try and blog while I'm reading since my eyes and hands will be free. I'm also going to be reading as I walk my little dog, eating and maybe a few house chores. I'm unsure how often I'll check in, but I'll do my best. Maybe once an hour or every so many pages. Some of my books don't have visible page numbers, so I'm going to have to work out another way of telling how many pages I do.

Well, going to go prepare. I'll be checking in about thirty minutes from now to blog what book I chose.

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