Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's over!

Dewey's read-a-thon is officially over. My 24 hours of reading has ended. While it was a good run, I have to say I'm glad it's completed. The last six hours was hard, only because the sleepiness was getting to me. But fear not, I survived, slapped myself and splashed water on my face.

The final hour all I could think about (at least for a brief moment) was getting a shower and jumping into bed. My back is absolutely killing me. Although I must say I'm glad it decided to hurt only for the last hour and a half.

For the final hour, I did manage to read the first 90 pages of In High Gear by Gina Wilkins. It's part of Harlequin's NASCAR series. I must admit when this series first came out, I couldn't get enough of the books. While the desire to gobble up NASCAR books has subsided, I still get a lot of pleasure from reading one every now and then. For myself, as a fledgling writer, I look at books like this as paving the way for a new market. I sometimes sigh out loud when I see books with doctors, construction workers, cops, librarians, FBI agents and CEOs. I'm always looking for the new thing to tap in hopes that when I finally manage to finish a novel, I won't be using the same stuff as authors before me. Maybe oen day I'll find it, and maybe not.

Anyway, as for the read-a-thon, I completed reading Outlaw's Bride, Sisters Found, Tempt Me at Twilight, The Maverick's Bride, Behind Closed Doors and Bittersweet Promises. I also finished about 40% of Dream guy and 90 pages of In High Gear.

Most of these titles were 300+ page books. Only In High Gear, The Maverick's Bride and Behind Closed Doors were under 300 pages.

Well, it was a good run. Very exciting and I'm already looking to do it again next year. I'd especially like to try mini challenges or be a cheerleader at some point. Either way, the read-a-thon was great and I hope whoever's in charge keeps on truckin'!

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