Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reached page 210

I've now reached page 210 in Joan Johnston's novel. It would seem the intrigued is getting a little stickier. I'm starting to believe the plot has more than one enemy. It's a familiar pattern I've seen with previous romance novels involving a mystery.

My opinion up until now is that the story is good. I can't say great, because I'm finding it a struggle to keep going. However, this is a strictly personal opinion. I know most intrigue novels go this way, but oftentimes, I find more enjoyment in a romantic suspense novel when the main characters aren't the direct target. Of course, this is kind of silly as most novels are better for having the targets the hero/heroine. I suppose I'm a little eccentric that way.

BookCourier has me at 53% of the book. I'm doing about 25% per hour, so I should have this book done in another couple of hours. Just in time to give my dog a morning walk. BookCourier will of course be accompanying me.


alitareads said...

Happy Read-a-Thon day! I hope the first few hours have been treating you well. Have fun today and enjoy the wonderful books you have lined up :)

Kara said...

Happy Reading!