Saturday, October 1, 2011

A funny Youtube video for NFL fantasy football fans

I know I have a part two coming of my adventures into fantasy football-land, but today I'm rather busy. And since I'd like to keep the attention of the one or two people visiting my blog, here's a youtube video I found that I hope will bring you some laughs.

I Suck At Fantasy Football - YouTube
(Clicking link will open it in a new window.)

Note: If you're like me and always suspicious of clicking links, go to google and type in "youtube" and "funny fantasy football". It's entitled "I Suck at Fantasy Football".

Being that I simply googled this, if you're a fantasy football as well as a youtube fan, there's a strong possibility that you've already seen it. However, bear with me. :)

Naturally, since I am blind, I can't see anything going on in the video. I do hope if there's anything inappropriate, someone will kindly let me know. In the meantime, enjoy the song and the dialogue, because if you're a fantasy football newb like myself, you can totally appreciate it! Then again, if you're not a newb, you can get a good chuckle from it.

P.S. Take note of the first two lines of the man's song. Let's just say I know exactly what he's talking about and leave it at that...

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